The dream matchup of the 2 most degenerate players in the THC did not disappoint. After nearly a full year of jdunn getting his ass handed to him in mini games for the #1 overall pick, he finally got his revenge when it actually mattered, and took home the cup. All the usual hijinks happened on the course including what is easily the most nudity to date. The overall score was the closest its been since the Hops inagural tourney in 2015. Neither team was ever up by more than a few points. Ending with a classic last few groups on day 2 hole 36. Feel like mabye maxfield closed it out, but I can't fully remember as I was pretty hammered at that point. All in all, pretty fun tourney per usual.
The Drunkest Man Award was given Jim Murphy. A rookie player who really brought his A game. On saturday night after drinking for roughly 18 hours straight, he came back to his room and put a frozen pizza into his microwave. 2 hours later, Mike smith woke up to a room FULL of smoke and turned off the microwave. Smoke alarms went off and the entire floor of the hotel smelled like smoke. Murphy rolled over in his bed and could not have given less of a fuck. Well played sir, well played.